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Our Projects

We research a variety of marine-related topics, with a major focus on fisheries and coral reef restoration.

Marine Protected Areas

We are dedicated to helping marine protected areas achieve their goals through effectiveness assessments, site evaluations, and standardized biological data to inform management.

Nassau Grouper Recovery

Monitoring the only known spawning aggregations of Nassau grouper and identifying critical habitat used by the species throughout ontogeny.

Coral Reef Restoration

We collaborate with HJR Reefscaping to actively outplant corals on multiple reefs along the west and south coasts.

Marine Debris

Isla Mar is actively involved in significant environmental initiatives aimed at reducing marine debris around Puerto Rico.

Fisheries Monitoring

We have dedicated ourselves to monitoring commercially significant groupers and snappers through innovative and consistent fisheries research.

Feeding Ecology

We use advanced next-generation sequencing to analyze fish gut contents, providing insights into their feeding ecology.

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