Seed Fund
Current student studying island science.
Any current student (undergraduate or graduate) enrolled at any Puerto Rican university in the study of a related field such as oceanography, island conservation, wildlife biology, marine biology, zoology or environmental science.
You can be enrolled in a general field of science as long as the research for which you are seeking the funds is related to island science (ex. you are a Zoology major studying sea turtles; you are a Biology major studying dune restoration). You must provide proof of your matricula and proof of the degree program.
Start Up Costs
To fund start-up costs of your research project like buying supplies and materials.
To pay for the registration costs of a training workshop where you will learn a skill that you need to complete your research.
To supplement a current grant that no longer has funds for materials, justifying why the extra materials are needed.
What We Fund
To pay for molecular processing, such as sequencing costs, for your samples.
Equipment Rental
To pay for rental costs of scientific research equipment like an acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP).
To pay for or supplement logistical costs of field sampling such as travel costs to reach your research site.
The purpose of this fund is to offer $2000 in financial assistance to a qualified student embarking on research, attending a workshop, or covering needs not met by existing grants. We aim to offset the challenges of starting research or attending training.
Proposals for any amount, up to the maximum, are welcome to apply and it is not required that projects request the full amount to be considered. The funds cannot be used to purchase dive equipment or pay for diving certifications, to pay for attending a conference, to purchase lab equipment that your lab should already be providing, or to pay a salary.
Project Proposal
A three-page (max) project proposal that describes your research project and how the funds will be used. Typed, Times New Roman, size 12 font, 1 inch margins and submitted as a PDF. Include the following in your proposal: 1. A title page with the title of your project, your name, advisor's name, location where the project takes place, total amount requested (max $2000), and project expected start and completion dates 2. Brief introduction with background, rationale, and objectives for your study 3. Methods to be used 4. Expected results 5. How the funds will be used and if other financial means are available to support the project, or if other means are being sought separately (indicate which grants you have applied for and waiting response). 6. A budget table with the cost breakdown and budget justification for each item 7. References for your literature cited
Resume or CV
Your resume or CV should indicate your school and current degree program, past education or degrees achieved, relevant work experience or volunteer experience, any publications or related activities to your research (i.e. workshops attended, conferences presented at, etc) and list three professional references, such as an advisor, professor or project supervisor. Your resume/CV should not exceed two pages.
Letter of Reference
One letter of reference is required and should be from your advisor or project supervisor.